Friday, May 20, 2011

Interview with Brent Marks

Lincoln Speedway Victory Lane

Brent Marks drives the TC Automotive, Baps Paints and Auto Supply 19M. 

He has 2 wins, 1 top 5, and 4 top 10's in the 2011 season.

7th in points at Lincoln Speedway and 21st at Williams Grove


-We as fans have our opinions on which is better, Hoosiers or Goodyears, but as the driver what do you think?

Well for me, I was only able to race one season on the Hoosiers in a sprint car. But from what I can see and take from the two is, in my personal opinion, Goodyear produces excellent races. Hoosier supplies to good of tires and it tends to stretch out the field. It took all of us a while to figure out the Goodyears, they are more tedious but I have no complaints what so ever on their product. Everyone is on the same playing field and we all have to live with the decisions the tracks and series make, that's part of the evolution of racing.

-Your still young, so is there any driver you look up to? 

I look up to a few drivers. I have always been a fan of Stevie Smith, I still am. Racing against these guys has been a true honor and I have recently really started looking up to Lance Dewease. He is a true role model and I have great respect for the man.

-What are your future racing plans? 

I hope someday to become a World of Outlaw driver. It's a goal that I plan to reach and I look forward to any opportunities that may come my way. We are still a young team and hopefully someday we all open up some eyes. 

-Is there anything in particular that drew you to racing? 

I was basically born into it. It has been a part of my life forever and I have been attracted to it my entire life. I feel like I was born to do this and I really love it. I just love the atmosphere, the speed, smell, everything. It's great and an awesome sport to be a part of. 

-When your in the racecar what are you thinking about? 

I try to be calm as possible and create a game plan for the start of the race. I build my confidence and concentrate on how the track is changing. It's hard to go back and say what were you thinking while you were racing. Honestly, it's hard to think, we just make our decisions so quickly and make the moves. It's something that takes a long time to build, but once you do, it's like second nature. 

-The fans don't always see what happens "behind the scenes". How long does it take to build and work on the car? 

I go to school and work. So it takes all week for us to do the maintenance on the race car. If we are in a pinch, we can get it ready within a good few hours, but we take our time and do it right. Building a car can take several hours if you plan on doing one in a day, as long as you have all your fuel lines and such made up. In the beginning of the year, it takes a few weeks. 

-There are alot of big races coming up here in PA. Any that you would want to win? 

We go to each and every race and try and win it. The race I want to win is the next race, no matter if it's a $3000 to win or $100,000 to win.

-You use to race Sidewinders, Micro Sprints and Go Karts. What made you jump straight to 410s? 

It has always been my dream. Once we decided to move up, it was a tough decision. We don't have a lot of money and we work with what we got. We almost started in 358's but did some researching and talked to many different people about their opinions, etc. We decided to just go ahead and jump into the cream of the crop, 410's!

-How have your fans impacted your career?

Fans are awesome, they make you feel special and keep you motivated to put on a show each and every week. It's great to see the amount of support I received from my fans. They keep my happy and make me feel like I belong and am wanted in this sport. Without them, we would not be here. Fans are what make this sport and it's so important we keep our fans coming to the races. All of try our best to entertain every race, and we do!

-What makes the Pennsylvania Posse such a tough group to race in?

Posse has always been so tough. We race so many times a year and have the best equipment money can buy. We have tracks that teach us new things every week and we have guys who are willing to do whatever it takes to win. We spend a lot of money, put a ton of time in our teams, have loyal fans who keep us truckin', and the competition here in PA is like no other place in the world. We are Outlaw fast and have the history and records to show for it! Pennsylvania is truly the sprint car capital of the world and the Posse has earned it. Through thick and thin, the Posse prevails! It's an honor to be apart of. 
Brent's win at Lincoln Speedway

Interview with Brian Leppo

Brian Leppo   
Driver of the Swope Salvage and Recycling, H & H Contracting 71.
So far in the 2011 Season, Brian has 2 wins and 4 other top 5 finishes.
Brian's win at Williams Grove Speedway


-What made you want to drive race cars and particular sprint cars?

Growing up in the Central PA area and watching sprint cars made being part of the POSSE something that I think every young race fan would love to venture into. They are light, the pull wheelies, they slide, they get dirty, and they are wicked fast too.

-So this is a common debatable question, time trials or handicapping?

I'm personally bias to the time trial format, due to the fact that I feel you earn the right to be fast all night long...but I also think the handicapping system is good for the fans too. If I had to choose I'd go time trial racing, we had a pile of good shows so far under the time trial format this season already.

-Do you think your fans are a big part of what keeps you going every race?

That question is a very true statement. I know my mom takes a lot of pride in Leppo fans and trust me, we appreciate all of them and it does make winning feel a whole lot better when the guys, girls, and kids are yelling at the fence. Central PA drivers have the best fans there are, they are out if it's in the 20's or in the 90's...they love sprint car racing and I thank them.

-Have you ever though about joining the World of Outlaws tour and would that be something you would like to do in the future?

I have thought about racing with the Outlaws yeah, I mean they are the best. I would like to, but realistically I'm 31 and have an awesome family that I like to be really involved with and that would be hard for me to do since I'm a big sissy. I'm a fan of both Lucas and Cody, I raced with both of them for years and consider them friends of mine and wish them luck pursuing the dream of being an outlaw. I would have to think about it hard if the opportunity ever arose...but being part of the PA POSSE is pretty sweet too. 

-What is the toughest part about being a driver? 

That question can be a little tough to answer. There are a lot of things that can make being a driver hard, but I think all the hard work is put in during the week getting the car ready with the dedication it takes. Driving the car is one thing, the hard part is the way you have to keep digging and digging to run that guy down and pass him...stay after your race car for the entire evening...stay focused.

-Have you learned anything from the veteran drivers that has helped with your setup on the car or how you drive on the track?

In my situation I have worked along side some reputable names in racing. Jim Siegel is a close friend of mine outside of racing, and when I first got started in sprint cars his dad Steve was the only guy I called on...all the time. He helped me considerably and still does really. I had the opportunity to work with such people as Barry Jackson, Matt Anderson, Dave Yingst and Lee Stauffer over my career and like I said...they are all very reputable names in racing. Now my current crew chief is a Hall of Fame driver with a future Hall of Fame son as well...between Steve and Stevie I can ask just about any question and can get an answer that will help me in one way thats' for sure.

-What do you think has been your biggest accomplishment so far in your career? In addition, is there any particular race you would like to win?

For me winning the only Outlaws race I've won back in 07 over Steve Kinser is my biggest accomplishment and I think it should be so far. Our race team would like to win every race we attend...but the Gobrecht Memorial is one we gun for and this season the Hilly Rife Memorial as well.

-You are off to a great start this season, 3rd in points at Williams Grove and 2nd at Lincoln. Does this give you a confidence boost going into such races as the Keystone Cup and Speedweek?

I have to thank my race team, Floyd Swope and my sponsors for the year we having so far. We worked pretty hard this winter and stayed determined to prove that we have a consistent front running team. I feel that our Mach-1 chassis with Cappetta Competition Engines and Penske Shocks are pretty racy right now and we are determined to keep that focus going.

-Your running second with 2 laps to go in a race. What do you do to win it?

With 2 laps to go I really like to be about a straight away ahead just driving away, that sounds like a better plan. With 2 to go running second you gotta just sit up in the seat and let it all hang out if winning is what you want to do. Look for your opportunity and do your best to make something happen. 

-If you look ahead, say 10 years, do you still hope to be racing? 

Like I mentioned earlier in the interview I have a family consisting of my 5 year old son and my soon to be 11 year old daughter that my wife and I stay pretty busy with like all parents. I'm hoping to still be involved with racing honestly. I know my parents and grand-parents have stayed really close because of racing. If my son is interested (which I don't think will be a problem) we will start small and work our way up if possible. My daughter plays basketball too and I know the older she gets the more time that will wrap up...but our families love racing so in 10 years I hope to be involved for sure.

I'd like to thank Brian for taking the time to talk with me and I hope you guys enjoy the interview!